Why I am giving up on GraphQL (kinda)

I started playing around with GraphQL around 2 years ago. I was stunned by the power of the technology. Especially:

  • The ability to dynamically fetch different attributes at runtime without having to change the API itself
  • Speed of the fetches, even with large datasets
  • Subscriptions - Ability for the API to behave as a event-driven subsystem by itself.

Since then, I have done some research about it and presented some offensive and defensive research at various conferences and online events. One of my favorite talks was at AppSec California last year

My talk on Offensive Serverless and GraphQL at AppSec Cali 2019

I decided to "eat my own dog food" and build something in GraphQL. I was always looking to make our "threat-modeling-as-code" framework as an API. I decided to go with GraphQL instead of the typical REST API.

In fact, I blogged about my experience with that in this post.

Today, I have realized that this was a wrong decision and I will be reverting to REST API for ThreatPlaybook. The reasons for this:

  • I wrote ThreatPlaybook's API with Python and graphene, a popular Python GraphQL library. Mongo is the primary database that I am using for ThreatPlaybook. Some issues that I faced with Graphene:
  • While it works well enough, its very sparsely documented, especially complex use-cases. I had to figure out a lot of stuff on my own, which was hard and time-consuming
  • The Mongo Library for GraphQL in python was very basic. In general, I feel that NoSQL databases dont fit with GraphQL (explained later)
  • Performing Aggregations, etc with Mongo, required me to go back to REST, making it very frustrating for me
  • With GraphQL in general, I have constantly run into the following issues:
  • Error Handling sucks. With REST API its nice to be able to handle errors with status codes, etc. With GraphQL you have to deal with nested JSON, making things a little more complicated. This was made worse by the fact that I was building a CLI for the GraphQL API and handling errors became a massive PitA
  • I think GraphQL doesnt lend itself well to NoSQL Databases. I saw this with Mongo and DynamoDB. I see that it works better with traditional RDBMS, where there's clarity around schema and relationships a lot more than with NoSQL DBs. The fact that popular projects like Hasura and Prisma are RDBMS support should tell you something.
  • As an extension to the previous point. I feel that GraphQL is great as an API for consumption rather than handling transactions and CRUD operations. For instance, I feel its much better utilized when you have a lot of data in your RDBMS and want to provide an API Interface to be able to query that dataset dynamically, rather than edit/modify it.
  • Lack of client tooling - I found that for other than JavaScript, there are not very reliable clients for GraphQL. Yes, you can use a standard HTTP Client. But the experience of constructing the query and using it, especially complex mutations, truly sucks. Really hard

I am rewriting ThreatPlaybook's API in REST now and should be done by the end of the month (April 2020). And other than for security research and client work, I am not planning to use it in any of my projects.